Hi there! Alice and Brenda here. We are identical twins, next door neighbors and partners in crime in the kitchen. People often ask us if we can read each other’s mind or feel each others pain and we can’t but, we do share an inexplicable closeness, an inseparable bond.

We were born in Taiwan where snacks abound and food was literally just outside the doorstep. A true food lover’s paradise. Growing up around all that great food that was so accessible, it was a bit of an adjustment when we first moved to the US. Luckily, our mom is a great cook and we had Chinese food everyday growing up. We still always looked forward to our occasional trips back to Taiwan and eating at the local night markets.

We are now mothers to some amazing kiddos and we want to share a bit of our culture with them. Living in Southern California, we are able to frequent local asian markets and restaurants and introduce our kids to the flavors we enjoyed in our childhood. Because of our love for cooking, we started wondering if we could replicate these recipes at home. Being partners in crime, we decided we were up to the challenge and after some experimenting, we discovered that making our childhood treats at home was not only easy but also a lot of fun.

Our days are full of Disney and cartoons. Cooking brings us joy but it pales in comparison to the joy on the faces of our little ones when we surprise them with delicious foods in the shape of their favorite characters. This is why we love to not only cook delicious food, but also turn the food we make into something cute and fun!
Stay a while. We hope that you will look around and just maybe, you will be inspired to have a little fun in your kitchen too!